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Kathmandu Durbar Square 01 01 Basantpur Square Market Just Outside Durbar Square Kathmandu Durbar Square 01 02 Kumari Kumari Bahal, Kumari Courtyard, Kumari Kathmandu Durbar Square 01 03 Trailokya Mohan Narayan, Maju Deval and Narayan Temples Kathmandu Durbar Square 02 01 Charlotte Ryan And Peter Ryan With two Hindu Sadhus 2 Kathmandu Durbar Square 02 02 Hindu Sadhu Close Up 2
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Kathmandu Durbar Square 01 01 Basantpur Square Market Just Outside Durbar Square  [1 of 32]

Basantapur Square is a large open plaza at the south-eastern entrance to Kathmandu Durbar Square, where souvenir sellers set up their stalls in long lines to await the tourists. The white columned building on the right is the Gaddi Baithak, part of the Royal Palace complex built in the 1908 after King Jung Bahadur Rana returned from a trip to England, where he developed a taste for western neo-classical architecture. The main part of Durbar Square is straight ahead.
Kathmandu Durbar Square 01 01 Basantpur Square Market Just Outside Durbar Square Basantapur Square is a large open plaza at the south-eastern entrance to Kathmandu Durbar Square, where souvenir sellers set up their stalls in long lines to await the tourists. The white columned building on the right is the Gaddi Baithak, part of the Royal Palace complex built in the 1908 after King Jung Bahadur Rana returned from a trip to England, where he developed a taste for western neo-classical architecture. The main part of Durbar Square is straight ahead.

DATE: 2008-10-22 15:26